Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Black Hedge Fund

Black Hedge Funds, Derivatives, Capital Markets, Energy , Commodities, Futures and Options

Consultant - Hedge Funds, Derivatives, Wall Street financial markets, banking, energy trading, commodities, futures and options 2007 venture - BLACK HEDGE FUND, LLC - fund manager, trader, founding.

2007 venture - BLACK HEDGE FUND, LLC - fund manager, trader, founding partner and CEO

Derivatives Trading Desk, LLC

Acheive Financial Consulting, LLC

Offices in:

Chicago, IL
New York, NY

Offshore entities in:
London, UK
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Sydney Australia
Cancun, Mexico

Portfolio allocation of the hedge fund:

Treasury Bills - purchase at auction
Municipal bonds
Treasury Bonds - purchased at auction
Metals, commodities (percentage in palladium, platinum, gold and iron ores)
Foreign currency arbitrage (strategy is to take advantage of the trading hours spread between the PHLX, New York, Asian and European markets)

Short International Emerging Markets equities - e.g., Telebras, (Brazil), Telefonos de Mexico (Mexico), Petroleos de Brazil (Brazil); as these markets are undervalued, lightly traded in the US and in the fund's opinion, under priced.

Strategy for emerging markets is to short sell.

Commercial paper
Repurchase Agreements (repo's)
Contracts for Differences (OTC market, London, UK)
Futures and Options (strategy is to long and short the indices and Eurodollar contracts as hedge vehicles only)

Credit Linked Notes
Total Return Swaps
Credit Default Swaps

Tax ID: Available upon request
Buy in: see fund manager

No U.S. Stocks (equity shares in a U.S corporation) in the portfolio


Sell short international under-values emerging market equities. (SHORT)
Buy Fixed Income (LONG)
Arbitrage in Foreign Exchange (forex) to hedge interest rate volatility (HEDGE)

Resume/background of fund manager:

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
De Paul University, Chicago, IL
De Paul University College of Commerce, Certificate in Financial Markets & Trading, 1994

Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Chicago, IL 6 years

British Petroleum, Chicago, Houston and London, UK

Wachovia Bank
Bank of New York
JP Morgan-Chase



25% of all gains after costs in the fund will be distributed as interest-free loans and venture capital for entrepreneurial business start-ups; for purposes of franchise licenses; social and environmental projects in impoverished areas; gifts for educational and scholastic and artistic pursuits; and environmental causes in the Amazon, continent of Africa, and South and Central America, Mexico and Pan-Asia.

Socially focused.
Environment focus
Long-term investment focus
Total return focus